When people visit us, what impressions do they get of our congregation? Wouldn't it be great if when people visit the church at Olney they experienced us as:
A people of prayer. Let us be people known for prayer. For each other. In praise and adoration of God. In seeking God's will for our lives. Paul exhorted us to pray without ceasing as the early church modeled its devotion to prayer.
A people of scripture. Churches of Christ have been known historically as "people of the book." Let us live up to this description as we are people who hear, read, study, memorize, and meditate on the words of the Bible, not just out of a sense of duty but also out of an insatiable desire to know our great God and savior Jesus Christ and to learn his plan for our lives.
A people of friendship. The American Heritage Dictionary says a friend is "someone whom one knows, likes and trusts." A friend is also "a person with whom one is allied in a struggle or cause." Let us be known as people who are not only friends of Jesus, but also friends of each other and friends of those we meet at home, at work, at school, and in the community.
Let us therefore be people of prayer, scripture, and friendship! By so doing we will fulfill the greatest commands to love God and love our neighbor.
Erik Brandt