Wake Up, Press Play

by Erik Brandt


A friend of mine has a daily practice. When he wakes up he presses play on his audio Bible phone app and listens to the scriptures being read as the first thing he does each day. This has become a habit over time with the result he has internalized a vast amount of scripture. 


Our daily habits can work powerfully for us in strengthening our faith. Seeking to hear God’s word and live a life with God works itself out in small, steady, intentional practices and decisions we make every day. 


I remember memorizing Joshua 1:8 as a young man: 


“Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.”


Internalized scripture lights our way throughout the day and gives us nourishment for our souls. 


Coming together weekly for worship helps set a rhythm for our week where we give and receive encouragement and instruction and then go out to serve during the week wherever we are. 


What practices help you set the Lord continually before you?


